Tasty Coffee. Fresh coffee

Tasty Coffee

Russian coffee bean roasting company Tasty Coffee, Voskhod Agency and Daddy's Film launched a new advertising campaign.

A real chamber orchestra took part in the filming of the video. The musicians performed “Coffee Cantata” by Johann Sebastian Bach. This humorous work was written at the beginning of the XVIII century by order of the Zimmermann's cafe. With its help, the owner of the establishment tried to popularize coffee among Germans. Just as Tasty Coffee is developing coffee culture in Russia today. That is why the role of the conductor in the video is played by Tasty Coffee roaster Daniil Gorodchikov.

However, music fades into the background as soon as the production receives a new order. All because classics are eternal, but coffee is good only fresh.

With the help of this metaphor we have shown that Tasty Coffee works without preparations, roasting coffee only after ordering it in the online store. This approach guarantees customers a rich cup of flavor, unlike grocery stores, where packages can gather dust on the shelves for months.
