Brand platform

Now the brand has a character, its own values and beliefs. It lives in a unique environment and has a lot to share with its customers. A brand platform connects your brand's mini-world with your target audience and gives the both the chance to speak the same language. We create the DNA that will boost and scale your brand while keeping its uniqueness intact.

Background analysis
We analyse the market, competitive environment, current trends, target audience.
Hypothesis development
We put forward a set of positioning assumptions.
We conduct a workshop with you to choose one assumption. It can be done through research or subjectively, or through quantitative research.
Brand personality defining
We specify brand values, character, style, tone of voice.
Pyramid building
We create a logical system. All of its elements form a coherent picture of the brand.

You'll have a presentation demonstrating the brand pyramid and describing the key points that define your trade mark as a brand: values, character, essence, promise, mission, vision.

What's next
Creative concept: 2 variants, 1-3 communication channels

An elaborate creative idea clarifies your brand message and drives consumer engagement, awareness and action. A creative idea can be optionally distributed through 1-3 communication channels.

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Your brand's name needs to linger in your customer's mind. It is the face of your company. Names have power, so make sure yours is a powerful verbal reflection of your essense, values and character.

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Brand platform

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