Life is changing


Neural networks are far from perfect when it comes to video creation - artificial intelligence cannot imitate smooth video sequences and generate the next frame based on the previous one. But this feature inspired Voskhod to use AI in the production of a commercial for DOM.RF Bank.

The unique images create a fantasy world where everything changes in each frame. This instability was the perfect antithesis to the bank's main message about deposits, where accrued interest remains consistently high in a situation of uncertainty.

"Our joint work with DOM.RF Bank is a unique experience in the commercial use of AI. We see neural networks as a promising tool for creating print and video ads. AI enriches the range of existing possibilities and helps save a lot of time when working on complex projects," said Voskhod Brand Design Director Vladislav Derevyannykh.

"Bank DOM.RF always keeps up with the times both when creating banking technologies and when launching advertising campaigns. We try to take into account market trends and create cutting-edge creative products. This is an opportunity to attract the attention of the maximum number of consumers and strengthen the image of the bank," commented Natalia Parshikova, Marketing Director of Bank DOM.RF.
