Media service

Purchasing inventory set by the media strategy at the best prices. Agency's fee is calculated individually for each project. The scope of work that the agency is able to cover: planning and supervising of media placement, media strategy development, media buying, content production and adaptation, LP production and audit, analytics of media indicators and sales, Power BI data visualization and campaign optimization.

Preliminary cost estimation
of credentials and full powers to represent clients' interests with official sellers
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Optimization of procurement schemes

You will receive graphs with the number of purchasing units, parameters of placement in media channels, the exact cost of a given volume.

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Qualitative research

You will know what your target audience dreams about. This knowledge gives you the power to deliver the most relevant product to satisfy all their needs. It comes in the form of telephone surveys or online dashboards. We get inside your customers' heads and reach for the deepest insights.

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Quantitative research

What do you trust more — words or numbers? Quantitative research allows you to obtain a numerical expression of various important parameters. It's the basis for making crucial strategic decisions.

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Media service

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